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Couples & Relationship Therapy. *Currently limited availability
What does Transnational mean? Transnational means a person who feels belonging to more then one geographical nation, often because of immigration, international adoption, or other life circumstances (military, third culture kids, political asylum, etc.)
Transnational families may, for example, be in mixed- citizenship status partnership, have adult children raising families in other countries, grandparents aging abroad, birth parents in other continents, be journeying through places and "almost" settle, the list goes on.
This can be a rich and complex existence.
Words like "home", "culture", "mother tongue", and "origin" can feel especially confusing to those whose roots have been uprooted. No matter how recently or remotely one emigrated, was adopted at birth, or is second generation, the process of belonging is always underway.
Transnationality can reveal it's tenderness with each life cycle, adding a special kind of heart tug during events such as: death of relatives, birth of a child, loss of a friendship, a move, marriage, divorce, medical diagnosis, socio-political shifts in the hosting country, etc.
The dominant environment is demanding acculturation and assimilation. Often though, there is little room for grief and the sense of ambiguous loss that one may feel: things got lost and gained and the ledger is hardly ever clear to the nervous system. It may be hard to be seen and validated in this complex existence even by people closest to us.
As a transnational person myself, I can support you and your relationships navigate the rich soil you inhabit, so that you may feel connected and belonging within and between.